The Prints

Fine Art Edition Prints

The Fine Art Edition Prints are created exclusively for Floyd Editions and are available to order in three sizes online:

40cm x 50cm | Edition size 50

50cm x 70cm | Edition size 25

70cm x 100cm | Edition size 10

All Edition prints are embossed and numbered on the front and supplied with a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity by the photographer.


Exhibition Prints

The Exhibition Prints are available only in their original exhibited size and availability restricted to their particular show edition, usually minimal, between 5-10 examples.

They are signed and numbered on the front, unless printed full frame, in which case they will be signed and numbered on the reverse. Exhibition prints are supplied with a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity by the photographer.


Print Production & Technique

All prints are expertly produced in Stockholm, by trade professionals, as fine art Archival Pigment Prints produced on Hahnemühle photo paper. 

Orders are packaged with upmost care and shipped in hard tubes or boxes via tracked delivery.


Framing and Bespoke printing

We have very good contacts within the industry, so if you have any questions regarding larger bespoke prints or framing etc, please get in touch.

Anything is possible!